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来源:10百家乐官网 发布时间:2015-10-21访问次数:741




Tim Roberts received his Ph.D. fromthe University of Oxford in Oxford, England. He received his M.A. from BrandeisUniversity in Boston, Massachusetts. At Brandeis his thesis studied theformation of the “standard of proof” in the early history of American civillaw. He received his B.A. from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville,Virginia. His research focus is on the early history of the United States,especially its political history and foreign relations. His Ph.D. dissertationwas published as a book entitled Distant Revolutions: 1848 and the Challenge toAmerican Exceptionalism(University of Virginia Press, 2009). He has also published journal articles onthe history of “American exceptionalism,”the American Civil War, and the American opium trade during the nineteenthcentury. He wishes to express his gratitude to Professor Luan Shuangof the Department of Law for his kind invitation to speak at NanjingAeronautics and Astronautics University.


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